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Fantastic work opportunities at Oorah, including entry level Position


It's Not What Oorah Can Do For YOU, But What YOU Can Do For Oorah!!

Spread the word! Share your positivity! Give others the gift of Parnassah!

A fantastic work opportunity including entry level & specialized jobs await at Oorah - for your friends, neighbors and acquaintances AND this amazing referral bonus could be yours!!!


Positions to fill:

  • Bookkeeper
  • K4K Team Rep. for scheduling pickups and vehicle titles
  • Post Seminary Entry Level Jobs
  • K4K Virtual Sales Rep./Customer Service
  • High Level Executive Assistant/Chief of Staff
  • TM Coordinators
  • Director of Post High School Program (Shteigers)
  • PR/Content Writer
  • Junior Graphic Designer
  • Daycare Director
  • Daycare Morahs – Nursery, 2’s & Assistants

  1. This referral program is for the duration of employees hired between the dates of June 21st and September 15th.
  2. It is relevant to current employees.
  3. Referral Program Expires on September 16th 2024.
  4. We are also looking for other positions and our needs might change. Please refer to Oorahjobs.org.
  5. The person you refer must be hired and work at Oorah under agreement for 90 days with intention to continue employment before you will receive the referral bonus.
  6. Referring employee must be working at Oorah at that time the bonus would be given.
  7. The referral date and the hiring of a referred employee must occur within the time frame of the current referral bonus promotion.
  8. Any questions arising will be at the discretion of HR to decide.

Yocheved Galy

Director of Human Resources

732-730-1000 x 204


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